You can use the Search button at the top right corner of the main Schedules page to search for schedule titles. You can search for words in the title or description, retention period, status, country, company, business function, parent title, or user-defined fields. You can also search for text across all fields at once.
The Schedule Search page opens.
Note: Click the Full Schedule List button in the upper right
corner of the Schedule Search page to return to the main Schedules page.
Note: All searches are case insensitive.
· All Fields: If you want to search all fields without having to know which one contains the words you’re looking for, enter the text in the “All Fields” box.
When “All Fields” is selected, the other check boxes are disabled.
The All Fields search uses a “like” search methodology; in other words, it will find every schedule where the phrase entered exists anywhere in the various fields. Wildcards are assumed before and after the phrase entered.
For example, a search on the word “check” will find all record code titles where any words like “check”, “checks”, “checking” and “unchecked” are in any field. The full-text search options like boolean, wildcard and phrase searching are not available for this filter.
· Schedule Title: Enter the word or series of words you are looking for. A wildcard is assumed at the beginning and end of the text entered.
· Company: Used to find schedule titles linked to a company or related business functions. Select the company you are looking for from the drop-down list, or select - GLOBAL - if you are looking for schedule titles under the global section.
Note: After selecting a company, wait for the screen to refresh in order to see business functions or parent titles for the company.
· Function: Used to find schedule titles for business functions. This filter is activated only if there are functions under the selected company. Select a function from the drop-down list.
· Parent Title: Used to limit search results to schedule titles that have child titles for the selected company or function. Select a parent schedule title from the drop-down list.
· Status: Select the status you are looking for from the drop-down list.
· Country: Select the country you are looking for from the drop-down list.
To display country retention in the results, check the Display Country Retention check box.
· Retention: Enter all or part of the retention period (retention abbreviation and/or time period). Select the Include Country Retention check box if you want to search both the schedule retention and all country retention values.
· Keywords
for Description: Enter the keywords you are looking for. Boolean
operators such as AND/OR, as well as phrase and wild card criteria, can
be used in this field. For information on using these operators, see Full-Text Searching.
An “Information” link is displayed
after the Keywords field. When you hover your
mouse over this link, a tool tip for full-text searching is displayed.
If you click this link, more extensive help for Full-Text Searching is
· Keywords
for Country Notes: Enter the keywords you are looking for. Boolean
operators such as AND/OR, as well as phrase and wild card criteria, can
be used in this field. For information on using these operators, see Full-Text Searching.
An “Information” link is displayed
after the Keywords field. When you hover your
mouse over this link, a tool tip for full-text searching is displayed.
If you click this link, more extensive help for Full-Text Searching is
· To search by user-defined field information, select the User Defined Fields tab and enter the desired values (see Searching User-Defined Fields).