The Change Request Details Page

When you select a change request on the Change Requests page opens, the details about the selected request are displayed. This page is also displayed whenever a new change request is added so the user can edit the details for the request.

The Change Request Details page contains three main sections.

Change Request Information

The Change Request box at the top of the page shows information about the selected change request. The person who added the request, the person who requested it, the company of the person who created it, its current status, the dates it was opened and closed, and the user who closed it are shown. The buttons that are available above this grid (Propose, Reject, Approve, etc.,) depend on the status of the request and the access rights of the user who is logged in.

Schedule Titles Grid

The Schedule Titles grid in the central section, under the Change Request information, lists the schedule titles that are included in the change request. The information includes company, business function, title, and retention period.

By using the buttons above this grid, you can create a new schedule title and add it into the request, link existing schedule titles to the request, or remove schedule titles from the request.

Schedule Information Tabs

When you select a schedule title in the central section, the tabs at the bottom of the page show the original and proposed details for that schedule title. These tabs show the proposed changes, the list of authorizers, and any comments/history recorded in the audit trail. See Change Request Schedule Information Tabs for more information.

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