Research Overview

The Research option is available in Versatile Corporate-Wide Access to users who have been assigned the appropriate access rights within Versatile Retention. The option will not be displayed in the menu bar for users who do not have access rights.

The Research option is used to search for citations to determine the retention periods for the various types of records maintained in your organization.

Because the activities of organizations and the needs of records managers vary widely, there is no single correct path for finding the recordkeeping requirements that apply to your organization. Versatile Corporate-Wide Access provides an intuitive interface to allow researchers to use the search method that best fits their situation.

You can search for citations by one or more of the following search criteria: jurisdictions, business activities, agencies, and keywords. You can enter a combination of filters for the search, by going from one tab to the next on the Research Criteria page. This allows you to narrow down your search to exactly the range of citations you want to review.

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