Smart Searching

Previously, searching using wildcards or multiple words with no quotation marks (i.e., annual reports) would result in an error because the search was not formatted correctly. Smart search will automatically translate most searches into a valid format, regardless of how the criteria is entered. Specifically, all words entered are assumed to be required so they are enclosed in quotation marks and combined with the AND Boolean operator. For example, searching for annual reports in keywords will result in a system search using "annual" AND "reports". This translation causes a search for records contains both words entered but in any order. Other similar adjustments are made to reduce syntax requirements when using keywords when no quotation marks are in use.

To override the smart search filter and enter advanced syntax, simply precede the search text with a pound (#) sign. For example:

#"annual report*" and (meeting or minutes)

Note: We recommend using quotes to surround multiple words when searching for a phrase. Depending on the combination of words, omitting the quotes or leaving the extraneous words may not returned expected results.

For example, let's say a citation contains this text:

...for all records. International conference on harmonisation of technical requirements for registration of ....

If you enter this keyword search:


No results are returned.

Entering either of these keyword search alternatives produce a match: