Full Test Searching Reference Table

Following is the syntax table used for full-text searching. All searching is case insensitive.


Type of Search


Simple words

“Zasio Enterprises”

Phrase search

dog cat

The same as the search "dog" and "cat".

photos AND digital


All words in search must be present to match.

photos OR photography


Any word in search can be present to match.

photos AND NOT digital


All entries with the word "photos" but not the word "digital" will be found.  Cannot use NOT by itself.



Returns all "photo", "photo shop", "photography", etc. Without the quotes, it looks for exact occurrences of photo* (including the asterisks).

"ice cream*"


Returns all "ice cream", "iced cream", "ice creamy". Wildcard characters can be used in query expressions to expand word searches into pattern searches. The asterisks wildcard (*) specifies that any characters can appear in multiple positions represented by the wildcard. The presence of quotes around the items is significant.

dog NEAR cat

dog ~ cat

Use the NEAR, ~ operator to return results based on the proximity of two or more query terms.

“Idaho Photography” AND digital

"photo*" AND NOT digital


*Requires the use of the # prefix

digital AND ("photo*" OR "pict*")

Grouped by ()

*Requires the use of the # prefix





Punctuation such as single quotes and dashes that are significant characters in a word must be included when searching.

Returns “Johnson” or “Johnson?” – The ? is insignificant to the word and is ignored.


“123 4567”



Returns “123-4567”, but not “123-4567-08”.

Returns “123-4567” or “123-4567-08”, but not “123-45678”. The dash is ignored (does not apply to all punctuation).

Returns “123-4567”, “123-45678”, “123-4567 A01”, or “123-4567-08”.